Your AuthentiqID

AuthentiqID is like your wallet, with ID cards in it: a drivers license, a insurance card, an employee ID, and maybe one or two customer loyalty cards.

Digital signatures

Digital signatures

The AuthentiqID app creates a secret cryptographic signing key, that never leaves your phone.

Personal Profile

Personal Profile

Create your personal profile with name, phone numbers, email address, mail address, social accounts, and more. It is only shared with your consent.

Verified Identity

Verified Identity

Authentiq, or a third party, confirms and cryptographically signs each item in your profile.

Authenticate, Easy and Safe

Authenticate, Easy and Safe

Upon Sign-in, you select what requested profile items to reveal, and the AuthentiqID app cryptographically signs the sign-in data.


Sign in with AuthentiqID

Signing in to AuthentiqID enabled sites is a breeze. On first visit, just point your phone to the QR code


1st time: Scan QR

When you visit a site for the first time, present the Authentiq ID app by pointing your phone at the QR code or entering your email. On subsequent visits, the site will connect to your phone with a Push Notification.

Connect your account (optional)

The site may ask you to enter username and password the first time you use AuthentiqID to connect your account. Other sites may rely on your verified email and/or telephone number and skip this step.

Passwords be gone!

From now on you can Sign in with just a click and a touch. Each time you revisit the site you just hit the [Connect with Authentiq] button and a notification is sent to your phone. Swipe and consent and you're in. Other browser or different computer? only repeat step 1 and you're done. Just forget that password already!

Remote sign out too

Yes, you read that correctly! Signed in on a public computer or at a friend and forgot to sign out? No problemo. Just select the session on your phone and tap "Sign out".


Authenticate with a Second Factor

Your AuthentiqID can also store Second Factors (2FA) to add security to username and password sign in. It's the same functionality of the Google Authenticator, but better.


Connect a Second Factor

Sites that support the TOTP standard will show a QR code to initialize the second factor. Just scan it with AuthentiqID and it will store it safely. Type the generated digits once to confirm the second factor.

Sign in

Next time you sign in with username and password, you will be asked for the second factor. Open the app and select your 2FA list, ordered by site, by account, or manually. Soon we'll add Push Notifications for this too.


Just like your profile, the 2FA secrets are encrypted, and will be backed up safely. If you ever loose your phone, these can be restored.



As a website owner you feel you should offer your customers more options than just username and password to keep their accounts safe.
AuthentiqConnect handles handles all the heavy lifting for you. Passwords stay in your system, and AuthentiqConnect takes care of the onboarding, second factor secrets, and more.

Authenticate, Easy and Safe

Register a Client ID

Register your site or application here.

Authenticate, Easy and Safe

Set up a Policy

Add a second factor only? Or give your users the passwordless experience? Just tell us what methods to support, what features will be exposed to your users.

icn-signin-button, Easy and Safe

Get a Sign In button

Select color, size and button texts, copy and paste it in your site.
As easy as adding a social media button.