"It's a real delight to integrate with Authentiq."


Verified Identity

Trivial to integrate

Authentiq speaks both OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0, works mutually with existing login systems, and is therefore easily integrated into any app or website.

Digital signatures

Configurable security

Replace both passwords and two-step verification with a secure mobile identity. Define the security boundaries you need for your users, always with great UX.

Digital signatures

Delightfully convenient

Use Authentiq to request verified email addresses and phone numbers from your users. Stop worrying about things like backup codes and account recovery flows.

Personal Profile


Protect your users from tracking by social providers. Persist less personal data (PII) in your database by requesting sensitive information only for the moment it's used.

Supported platforms

Authentiq works out of the box with any generic OIDC or OAuth 2.0-compatible client, and dedicated integrations are available for an increasing number of platforms. Is your personal favourite still missing? Let us know!


Get started

The best way to get to know Authentiq is to go to the Developer Dashboard and sign in with Authentiq. Register your website and follow one of the available tutorials. In the Developer Documentation you will find further information about the protocols, the API specification and available configuration options. Alternatively, try one of our live demos for WordPress, GitLab, or browse any of the other examples on GitHub.

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